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How should you complement massage with breathing exercises

Home How should you complement massage with breathing exercises

There are various treatment options for anxiety, ranging from cognitive behavioural therapy to medication, but massage therapy has been shown to reduce stress for those looking for a more natural remedy to their anxiety management. But that begs the question: Do massages help with anxiety?

The Science

Anxiety triggers the “flight or fight” response in your body. To prepare the body to respond to a stressful situation, multiple areas of your brain react and release hormones such as ACTH, cortisol, and epinephrine (adrenaline). All of these hormones cause your body to react in the ways listed below:

- Heart rate has increased.

- Breathing quickly and shallowly

- Blood vessels that are constricted

- Dilation of the pupils

-Tunnel vision is a term used to describe a

- Face flushed

- Mouth dryness

- and much more

Here are the5 reasons why massage therapy alleviates anxiety:

1. The Physical Connect

Physical touch, in the same way that it strengthens marriages, also helps strangers connect. When you get a massage, you feel connected and secure with your massage therapist, which helps release endorphins and is especially beneficial for people who have isolating thoughts.

2. Promotes Better Sleep

Massages help people not only fall asleep easier, but also experience longer periods of deep sleep by lowering cortisol and heart rate, which “reduces the neurotransmitter associated with pain.”

3. Fortify Immune System

Massages can help you stay healthy by increasing the activity level of the body's white blood cells that fight viruses. This is especially important for people who suffer from anxiety because cortisol has a negative impact on the immune system.

4. Decrease Blood Pressure and Heart Rate

Massage therapy lowers blood pressure and heart rate because it relaxes both the body and the mind. Keeping in mind that both of these are classic symptoms of an anxiety disorder, reducing them will help you relax and stay relaxed.

5. Release Endorphins and Hormones

When you get a massage, your body releases plenty of beneficial neurohormones (hormones produced by the nervous system). From dopamine to serotonin to oxytocin, these beneficial hormones can significantly reduce anxiety symptoms and leave you feeling balanced and centred.

So, do massages alleviate anxiety? In short, yes; however, getting massages on a regular basis will not cure an anxiety disorder. Anxiety is a serious medical condition that cannot be cured, but rather managed through a variety of treatments tailored to your specific situation.

Get in touch with us to learn more about our team of therapists that are trained to provide such massages.

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